Who I am

executive coach brigitte witzer
executive coach brigitte witzer
executive coach brigitte witzer
executive coach brigitte witzer
executive coach brigitte witzer

I am_

Clear in thought and speech, precise in observation and with absolute respect: sincere in feedback.

A specialist in highly professional face-to-face dialogue.

Borne out of the experience of 40 years working in science, management, business, politics and consultancy.

Combining creativity, experience and empathy, as a writer, speaker and painter.

My core

  • Sparring with and coaching board members and top executives since 1998 in complex family, DAX and blue chip companies
  • Fostering development, presence and personality as the relevant human processes in business and politics
  • Understanding highly complex interrelationships and creating transparency
  • Enabling a shift of perspective towards radically different ways of looking at things, thinking "out of the box”
  • Developing, naming and communicating insights gained from deep dives
  • Expressing my own knowledge and insights in a variety of ways through writing, speaking and painting.
  • Trusting my own perception and acknowledging that what is – is the basis for any change ...and out of my own experience: bringing success and women together


The unique
selling proposition_


Pioneering work in
leadership and management

M.A. at WWU Münster, 1986, Dr. phil. at the University of Dortmund, 1992. Dissertation on "Communication in corporations. Leadership and a Constructive Image of Man." 1993 Appointed to HTWK Leipzig, Faculty of Polygraphic Technology (now: Media); creation and management of the Media Technology course, co-development and management of the Publishing Production course.


Experience in
dealing with power

1985-1989, Editor, then Technical Publishing Manager at Data Becker Verlag, Düsseldorf; moved to the Bertelsmann group at Mohndruck, Gütersloh; since 1992, Managing Director Bertelsmann Medien-Service, Moscow, Leipzig, Gütersloh, Berlin, until 12/1993. Since 1998, coach and consultant for corporate companies (Daimler, Deutsche Post) and media companies (publishing houses, television), and since 1999, start-ups.


Forward thinking
in economic-sociological

Member of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen since 1991; spokesperson in Leipzig; 2000/01 member of the supervisory board of the Heinrich Böll Foundation; 1998-2002 expert in the Media Council of Saxony; 2002-2003 expert in the Media Council of North Rhine-Westphalia; currently involved in various aspects and initiatives for the common good.


Dialogical approach to
achieving clarity on issues

Coaching with an attitude of appreciation and respect; qualifications in various topics, including organisational, addiction and power; development of my own approach: post- heroic and risk-intelligent. 2020, Founding of a virtual leadership academy: building self and relationship competence in complex systems.


Authenticity and clarity
in a variety of contexts

Since 1992, author of non-fiction books, from 2002 of literature; since 2005, speaker in smaller settings (dinner speeches) and on the big stage (lectures) on a wide range of business topics; painter, trained in numerous courses since 1997, personal technique and development of large formats since spring 2018, member of the bbk (Association of Visual Artists)

Author and


Naturally I make my knowledge and experience available - since the early 1990s in associations, in a political party and in various committees.

Civil courage and social responsibility are necessary for a healthy world.


1992 Co-founder of EWMD e.V. Ostwestfalen-Lippe

Since 1994 a sponsoring member of Greenpeace e.V.

2012-2016 Member of FidAR e.V.

Since 2020 Member of bbk berlin e.V.

Since 2021 Gemeingut in BürgerInnenhand (GiB) e.V.


Since 1993, member of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen (various commitments, AG Demokratie, Stadtteilbeiratin Nordwest), spokesperson for KV Leipzig 1997/98


1998-2002 Expert in the Media Council of Saxony

2001 Supervisory board member of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Berlin

2002-2003 Expert in the Media Council NRW
